Healesville Online Booking

Healesville Main Clinic – 305 Maroondah Hwy

Rapid Recovery @ The Healesville Wellness Factory

Appointments at the Wellness Factory are available Tuesdays & Fridays with Natalie.

Price Adjustment effective 1/3/2025


Initial 60 – $170

Initial 40 – $125

Return 20 – $80

Return 40 – $125

Return 60 – $170

Deep Tissue Massage/ Remedial Massage & Myotherapy

Standard Therapist

20 Minute Appointment: $50

40 Minute Appointment: $82.50

60 Minute Appointment: $115

80 Minute Appointment: $142.50

Senior Therapist/ Sports Therapy/ Lymphoedema

20 Minute Appointment: $55

40 Minute Appointment: $97.50

60 Minute Appointment: $130

80 Minute Appointment: $162.50